Thank you for shopping with us. USA Emergency Supply is committed to helping support families and individuals impacted by disasters around the world. We do this by donating 10% of our profits to worldwide humanitarian efforts. By shopping with us you are also helping others, so you should feel really good about that!
There are lots of thin-ply masquerading as full thickness, lower-quality, double-fold shipped bags out there. Don't be fooled! Our bags are high-quality, full-ply thickness (each side), heat sealed to themselves, won't melt to your hot iron, custom wrapped shipping, and never shipped double folded! How may we help serve your home food storage needs in these troubled times? Preparation brings real safety and peace, empower yourself!
Directions: (Approximately 4 - 1/2 cup servings): Bring 2 cups water (or 1 cup water and 1 cup milk) and 1/4 tsp. salt to a boil, remove from heat and stir in 1/2 cup potato granules. Whip until uniform, about 30 seconds. Continue to whip until light and fluffy. Margarine or butter may be added for extra creaminess. Season to taste. More potato granules may be added for thicker mashed potatoes or more hot water may be added for thinner mashed potatoes according to personal preference.
Our dehydrated potato granules are a wonderful product to have on hand. These potatoes are great for making your favorite flavor of mashed potatoes, such as garlic and rosemary or butter and garlic. Potato Granules are great to thicken up soups, stews, and gravy. These can be used to make potato pancakes or waffles. Use them in your favorite bread or roll recipe that calls for potatoes. This is a need for your long term food storage.
Ingredients: Potato (dry), vegetable mono and diglycerides, freshness preserved with sodium bisulfite and BHT. Contains sulfite ingredient. *This product contains ingredients derived bioengineered sources, but genetically modified material is not detectable.