Thank you for shopping with us. USA Emergency Supply is committed to helping support families and individuals impacted by disasters around the world. We do this by donating 10% of our profits to worldwide humanitarian efforts. By shopping with us you are also helping others, so you should feel really good about that!
There are lots of thin-ply masquerading as full thickness, lower-quality, double-fold shipped bags out there. Don't be fooled! Our bags are high-quality, full-ply thickness (each side), heat sealed to themselves, won't melt to your hot iron, custom wrapped shipping, and never shipped double folded! How may we help serve your home food storage needs in these troubled times? Preparation brings real safety and peace, empower yourself!
Our 30 gallon water storage barrel is manufactured of tough polyethylene material approved by the Food and Drug Admnistration for water and food storage. Strict quality-control procedures insure consumers of the highest quality storage containers which will provide safe, fresh drinking water for many years in case of a disaster. In an emergency, an ample water supply is a priority. Needs will differ, depending upon age, physical condition, activity, diet and climate, but most people need to drink at least two quarts, which is equal to eight cups, of water each day. Hot weather conditions can double the amount needed, and children, nursing women and ill people also will need more.
In general, We recommend storing a minimum of one gallon (preferably two gallons) of water per person per day, for two weeks of drinking and food preparation and other limited uses such as hand washing, brushing teeth and dish washing.
We do not recommend storing water in glass containers, used milk or thin water containers sold at most supermarkets. They become brittle with time. Also never-ever use any previously used plastic containers or barrels, even ones used for syrups and concentrates. These containers absorb and retain the residual of anything put into them regardless of how much prior cleaning you give them, thus contaminating your water reserve (and causing it to taste terrible).
FDA food grade approved resin
30 gallons of emergency water easily stored for 5 years (when used with water treatment drops)
Water is the #1 emergency supply to have (you can't live long with out it)
Shipping for this item is calculated based on the distance travelled and the total weight of your order. Please note that water barrels and jugs have a greatly increased shipping cost due to their size and bulk.